Our Investment Approach
Our Multi Asset Absolute Return strategies provide convenient and cost effective access to a vast and broad mix of asset classes, including Equity, Fixed Income, Real Estate and Alternatives through individual funds. Having a wide, geographically diverse, blend of different types of investments in a portfolio helps to manage fluctuations that can occur in financial markets.
Absolute Return investing is a modern portfolio strategy that pursues positive returns with lower volatility than traditional investment funds, to help diversify portfolios for varying kinds of investors.
This kind of investing certainly provides an enhanced strategy for investors who have typically followed traditional Multi Asset, Equity and Bond investment styles in the past.
Kareem Sattar
Investment Committee Member
Investment Strategy Facts
Our Multi Asset Absolute Return Funds aim to produce positive returns, regardless of prevailing market conditions. Even when markets are falling sharply, our Multi Asset Absolute Return funds still have the potential to generate positive returns. Winthrop Woodrow's Absolute Return differ from traditional multi asset funds as they offer the following benefits and characteristics:-
Our Funds;
Seek consistently positive results by deploying techniques that are able to profit from both the ups and downs in markets and equity prices.
Have a lower correlation to the pattern of returns from other asset classes.
Are not bench marked against a specific index or sector.
Are not bound by fixed allocations to particular asset classes.
Are not restricted to investing in only limited geographies or sectors.
Winthrop Woodrow's Multi Asset Absolute Return funds aim to produce a positive return over the medium to long term. Investment gains can never be guaranteed but, by using a range of techniques not available to traditional fund managers, Winthrop Woodrow's Absolute Return Funds have the capability to generate smoother returns throughout the economic cycle.
What is Absolute Return Investing?
Watch our Video Here
Modern Diversification
It is widely acknowledged that many investors have grown accustomed to investing in equities and bonds for pursuing their long-term financial goals. Perhaps via active multi asset propositions or passive tracker styles investments. But anyone who has experienced large downturns in their portfolio values following these strategies, are missing out on something more.
Over the past 20 years, stock markets around the world have encountered the greatest levels of volatility in history, often wiping trillions off asset values and thus investors' portfolios. Naturally, this tests investors' risk appetites.
Similarly, fixed income yields have also been falling further and further over the past decade, reducing any potential for income. Together, these forces are pushing investors to seek new ideas for generating returns while seeking to mitigate risk.
Winthrop Woodrow's Multi Asset Absolute Return Funds mitigate high levels of volatility and potential vast write downs in asset values. Different in philosophy, our Multi Asset Absolute Return funds offer an approach that addresses investors’ concerns about both market volatility and reaching their performance objectives more consistently. So if it is planning for retirement, a nest egg for the grandchildren or buying that dream yacht, investors can have greater confidence in a smoother risk reward trajectory.
Distinctly Different
What makes our absolute return funds unique from traditional multi asset investments is their focus on generating a positive risk adjusted return over the short, medium and long term, regardless of market conditions or the direction in which markets are heading.
Absolute return performance is measured against a cash benchmark (typically Libor), which is a significant difference compared to more traditional mutual funds that are generally measured against an asset-class benchmark, like the MCSI World Index for stocks or the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index for bonds.
The focus on generating absolute returns can make our strategies valuable tools for portfolio construction by enhancing diversification, helping to reduce risk, and dampening overall portfolio volatility.
Multi Asset Absolute Return strategies have different return and risk profiles than traditional funds that invest in equities and bonds.
Independent from traditional benchmark
indexes, absolute return strategies have
flexibility to seek to protect capital during
bear markets.
Winthrop Woodrow suite of absolute return funds are intended to give investors the opportunity to reduce long term portfolio volatility.
Get in touch to find out more
To find our more about how we invest and how they can form a core part of your investment portfolios, please contact us here.
A member of our team will get in touch with you to find out more about your requirements and talk you through the benefits of our individual investment funds and strategies.